" People wish to learn to swim and at the same time to keep one foot on the ground said french novelist Marcel Proust. An attitude like that is always a barrier to growth, of course, but in 2013 it would be especially ill-advised for you (Gemini). In order to win full possession of the many blessings that this year will be offering, you will have to give up your solid footing and dive into the depths over and over again."
Like my coffee, I take myhoroscopes lightly- and just every now and then. Meant to be fun advice, not prophecy I find myself reading them and wondering how much of this is meant for me because of the way Mars aligned with Jupiter the day I was born, and how much applies to anyone reading it that has ever been affected by the human condition. Doesn't my horoscope know that there is comfort in the solid footing even if there isn't adventure? While diving into the depths may be required for possessing blessings, this also requires a level of trust and faith in the universe I lost the day my baby left. I think I used to be brave, not afraid to dive. How do I get back there? How do I ever trust that something will work out again? How can I believe good things are meant for my seizing? Don't the stars know my footing on the ground is all I have left? I want to be able to dive into the depths during 2013 but doing so requires hope. Is it possible a hopeful heart - broken and all as mine is- was also meant thanks to the way Mars aligned with Jupiter the day I was born? Making life decisions based off of the horoscope in the back of the free community newspaper isn't very smart. I may have lost my courage but not my good sense. I think the cosmos have always expected within myself to be the source I trust when making important life decisions, cosmic advice just serves as a nice reminder. If I can learn to listen, heal, and hope than maybe I can also learn to dive again in 2013.
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