Legend has it that one day Ernest Hemingway was lunching at the Algonquin, sitting at the famous "round table" with several writers, claiming he could write a six-word-long short story. He believed any real write could tell a compelling story with the right six words. The other writers balked. Hemingway told them to ante up ten dollars each. If he was wrong, he would match it; if he was right, he would keep the pot. He quickly wrote six words on a napkin and passed it around. The words were: For Sale, Baby Shoes, Never Worn.
What a story that tells. Hemingway told My story. The story of so many in just six words. If you had to capture one of the narratives that has shaped your life in 6 words what would that story be? When it comes to Mateo mine would be something like "The smallest footprints left biggest impact". Sometimes there are no words, sometimes there are six.
The Five Things Continued: Thing Number Four "I Forgive You"
Dear Mateo,
I forgive you. I forgive you for coming into my life so unexpectedly. I was caught off guard by your determination to become. I forgive you for leaving just as unexpectedly. I forgive you for making me love you. You are just so easy to love. I forgive you for changing my life. I knew from the moment I found out I was pregnant that my life would never be the same. Life is now divided into everything before I carried you inside and every minute after. I forgive you for connecting me to your co-creator, your father. Just because you died and he isn't a part of my life doesn't mean he is no longer a part of me. He through you will alway be a part of me. Some day Ill have to forgive him also. I forgive you for pushing me to my limits of my convictions. I made some very hard decisions because of you, from choosing to bring you into this world to choosing to comfort you on your way out of it. Loving you has changed me in this way I could never describe. Not in six words, not in a million. I forgive you for leaving me behind and going on without me. On some days I wish it had been me instead, on other days I wish I had gone with you. I always wish that you were still here. I love you.
Check out this link to this mother's story. She was recently on the Today show sharing her story and promoting her new book that she wrote as her son was dying from a rare disease over the last three years. It is a touching story and she has great advice, watch this interview if you get a chance!
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